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    Optimize your business with barantum. Free Use for 7 Days During the Trial Period
    CRM Sales (Sales Team) - Standard


    After Trial End

    Rp 299k

    • Lead Management

    • Sales Management

    • Product Management

    • Module Saleskits

    • GPS Check In & Out
      (Can Add Photos)

    • GPS Offline Mode

    • Document Module With 1GB / User Storage

    • Comments and Notifications Module

    • Module Tags

    • Standard Report Dashboard Settings Management

    • Consumer Contact Data Management

    • Consumer Company Data Management

    • Activity Management (Telephone, Meeting/Visit, Tasks & Notes)

    • Custom Field Management

    • Data Access Right Sharing Management

    • Management of Rights Create, Edit & Delete Data

    • Module Settings Management

    • Standard Open API access (1 API call per second)

    • Access Team & Users Settings

    • Export and Import Data

    • Android and iOS Apps

    • Support Standard

    • Free System Update

    • Lifetime Support *According to applicable regulations

    CRM Sales (Sales Team) - Professional


    After Trial End


    • Live GPS Attendance

    • Module Survey

    • Module Marketing

    • Module Approval

    • e-Signature (Android & iOS)

    • Module Email

    • Module Quotation

    • 2 GB / User Storage Documents

    • 5 additional Custom Reports (Additional Man-Days)

    • Workflow Management

    • Management of Standard Report & Custom Report Dashboard settings

    • Priority Support

    • * All Customs require additional man-days
    I agree that giving the WhatsApp Official Green Tick is META's right.
    I understand that currently META WhatsApp Official Green Tick CANNOT be used for WA Groups and WA Calls. Barantum recommends a call center solution for telephone calls.
    I understand that a number that has been moved or made into an WhatsApp Official Green Tick will take 30 days without chat activity to become a WhatsApp Personal/WhatsApp Business Personal number.