Rokue's Strategy to Improve Customer Service Using Barantum

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The Barantum Omnichannel CRM Application is 85% Helpful in Serving Rokue Customers

Inne Rettiani Sales Marketing Manager Rokue
The Barantum Omnichannel CRM Application is 85% Helpful in Serving Rokue Customers
Inne Rettiani Sales Marketing Manager Rokue

As a snack catering provider in Jakarta and surrounding areas, Rokue has become the main choice for many events, from office meetings, seminars, to celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. With the increasing number of requests for snacks from Rokue, and to ensure that customers do not wait too long to get a response, Rokue has adopted the Barantum Omnichannel or Barantum Chat system.

Inne Rettiani, Sales Marketing Manager, Rokue, said that they use Barantum Chat to make it easier for the Rokue team to reply to customer messages. The large number of WhatsApp messages coming to Rokue's business number means they need to find a way to use 1 WhatsApp number for many admins.

Barantum Omnichannel Helps Integrate Various Communication Channels In One System

Inne realized that regular use of WhatsApp could only be used by 4 admins. Meanwhile, Rokue's need to reply to customer messages is more than that. That's why Rokue decided to use the Barantum service, which is an Official WhatsApp Partner. So Rokue can use WhatsApp with many admins without limits.

“This makes it very easy, especially when there are a lot of incoming chats. With Barantum, we no longer need to bother checking every message from start to finish. After using Barantum, all messages, including emails and messages from Instagram, are integrated and well organized in one application. "So, we only need to open one application to access all communications," said Inne.

Rokue Customer Service Increases By 85%

Using the Barantum Omnichannel system has had a positive impact on Rokue. One of them, Rokue customer service has improved by up to 85%.

“Barantum helps Rokue approximately 85%. When the sales team checks the WhatsApp (messages) that have been received as of today, for example. We usually double-check WhatsApp that has been entered today to see whether or not customer orders have been missed or not. "When another team replies to the message, the messages are not stacked," explained Inne.

Rokue's fast customer service is also supported by the templates available in Barantum Omnichannel. Where these templates can be used to send to customers according to their needs.

"Certainly (Rokue customer service) is faster because the Barantum application has templates that we can set. For example, we made a template about the Rokue catalog. I just need to create the template, then the team will just need this information for the latest catalog template. So, just search for the name of the template, you can just enter it. "So it doesn't take long (to reply to customer messages)," added Inne.

Barantum Omnichannel Helps Your Business Become More Responsive

With the integration and functionality offered by Barantum Omnichannel, Rokue has succeeded in increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction, ensuring that every interaction is smooth and professional.

Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi ini, Rokue tidak hanya meningkatkan efisiensi komunikasi internal tetapi juga meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan secara keseluruhan. Keberhasilan implementasi ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya solusi komunikasi terintegrasi dalam dunia bisnis yang serba cepat saat ini. Rokue sekarang dapat menghadapi permintaan pasar yang dinamis dengan lebih percaya diri, memastikan bahwa setiap pelanggan mendapatkan pengalaman layanan yang cepat dan personal, yang pada akhirnya memperkuat loyalitas dan mendukung pertumbuhan berkelanjutan bisnis.

By leveraging this technology, Rokue not only increases internal communications efficiency but also improves overall customer satisfaction. This successful implementation underscores the importance of integrated communications solutions in today's fast-paced business world. Rokue can now face dynamic market demands with more confidence, ensuring that every customer gets a fast and personalized service experience, ultimately strengthening loyalty and supporting the business' continued growth.

All-in-One Solutions Omnichannel CRM

Sales CRM - Customer Services CRM - Omnichannel Communication